#Spotlight – This week we are paying tribute to the greats of the Negro Leagues and their post baseball careers. Today we salute Joe Black.
"Joe Black Remembers" - https://youtu.be/pwcKjumM8ac
Black would spend his post-playing days as a scout for the Washington Senators as well as a Health and Physical Education at Hubbard Junior High School. Later Black would relocate to Phoenix and become an executive with Greyhound.

Joe Black would also serve as a consultant for the Commissioner’s office where he would help players with their transition to post playing activities. Later he would become a Board Director for the Baseball Assistance Team and work in the community relations department for the Arizona Diamondbacks.

Black would appear as a character in The Cosby Show titled “There’s Still No Joy in Mudville”, and wrote a syndicated column for Ebony magazine titled “By The Way”.
