#Spotlight – This week we pay tribute to #42. Today we celebrate the history of MLB's annual day - April 15th - Jackie Robinson Day.

April 15, 1997 Commissioner Bud Selig announced that all MLB teams would retire the number 42.

Did you know the idea for players to wear 42 came from Ken Griffey Jr. – Bud Selig tells the story of Griffey calling "He asked my permission to do that, and I, of course, granted it.” It would soon spread to all players.

Among the last players to wear 42 are Mo Vaughn (Mets, Angels & Red Sox), Pedro Martinez (Padres) & Ray Lamb for the Dodgers in 1969 who wore it for 10 days before switching to 34

- Yankees: Mariano Rivera (1995-2013)
- Mets: Mo Vaughn (2002-03)
- Tigers: Jose Lima (2001-02)
- Twins: Michael Jackson (2002)
- Astros: Jose Lima (1997-2001)
- Angels: Mo Vaughn (1999-2000)
- Brewers: Scott Karl (1995-99)
- Indians: Michael Jackson (1997-99)
- Orioles: Lenny Webster (1997-99)
- Mariners: Butch Huskey (1999)
- Red Sox: Mo Vaughn (1991-98)
- Royals: Tom Goodwin (1995-97)
- Athletics: Buddy Groom (1996-97)
- Giants: Kirk Rueter (1996-97)
- Pirates: Jason Schmidt (1996-97)
- Marlins: Dennis Cook (1997)
- Rangers: Marc Sagmoen (1997)
- Expos: Kirk Rueter (1993-96)
- Rockies: Armando Reynoso (1993-96)
- Phillies: Toby Borland (1994-96)
- Reds: Roger Salkeld (1996)
- White Sox: Scott Ruffcorn (1996)
- Cardinals: Jose Olivo (1995)
- Padres: Pedro Martinez (1993-94)
- Cubs: Dave Smith (1991-92)
- Braves: Armando Reynoso (1991-92)
- Blue Jays: Xavier Hernandez (1989)
- Dodgers: Ray Lamb (1969)
- Diamondbacks: None
- Rays: None
The last and most notable player to wear 42 was Yankee Mariano Rivera His retirement in 2013 would mark the last time an active player would wear the number.
